Innovation Excellence
Sales Excellence
Care Excellence
Enterprise Excellence
About us
Innovation Excellence
Sales Excellence
Care Excellence
Enterprise Excellence
About us
Short reads
to get you
Our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility
At ViCre we see Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an integral part of our identity. As the Native American proverb says, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” This philosophy inspires us to create a sustainable and inclusive future. Our CSR approach is built on three pillars:…
Enterprise Excellence
The path to Enterprise Excellence
Mastering your Excellence Journey Performance combined with transformation is inevitable in any organization striving for success. Whether it’s improving operational efficiency, embracing innovation, or delivering superior customer experiences, knowing you not only need to perform today, but in parallel also keep moving forward is just the first step. The real challenge lies in managing the…
Enterprise Excellence
Finding the Sweet Spot
Balancing Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Accountability In the competitive and ever-evolving landscape of modern business, organizations strive to achieve a harmonious balance between effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability. These three pillars are crucial for sustainable success, each playing a distinct yet interrelated role in the health and performance of a company. Finding the sweet spot where these elements converge is…
De kracht van duurzame transformatie (Dutch)
ViCre specialiseert zich in de begeleiding van bedrijven tijdens periodes van verandering. En dat al 20 jaar. Dochter Annelies Helsen leidt het consultancybedrijf, geruggensteund door Eddy Helsen, de oprichter van ViCre. Samen met hun medewerkers geven ze sectoronafhankelijk advies om bedrijven sterker te maken.
Enterprise Excellence
Thriving companies
Companies that thrive instead of survive In the fast-paced world of business, companies that stand out and consistently lead the market share a common approach: a balanced focus on maintaining business operations, driving continuous improvement, embarking on transformative changes, and nurturing both a strong group culture and individual contributions. This balanced approach is not just…
Enterprise Excellence
Successful Transformation Projects
The Key Pillars of Successful Transformation Project Management Talking about transformation, means talking about a future that is different than today. There are probably many projects that will need to be managed to bridge that gap, too many to all start at once and many options to choose from to move forward... In this dynamic…
Enterprise Excellence
Creating business continuity
Every successful company today finds itself somewhere on the road to creating more sustainable value. But after years of conceptualising and exploring transformation approaches, for many, the essence of sustainability has vanished along the process. As a small refresher: becoming a sustainable company primarily refers to developing a company's talent for continuity. To be sustainable,…
Customer Journey
Trust is the ultimate currency for business
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business, trust has become a fundamental currency that can shape the destiny of companies. The concept of trust is no longer a mere catchphrase; it is an indispensable component that can either make or break an organization. Trust is a priceless currency that profoundly influences customer loyalty and…
Enterprise Excellence
Create awareness, get commitment
Or how to lift your enterprise energy to the next level Understanding your enterprise and constantly analysing its results is important to operate at your most successful. But what’s even more important and crucial for fully grasping your business and improving it, is seeing things as they really are. Are you able to capture your…
Enterprise Excellence
4 colors towards Enterprise Excellence
Enterprise Excellence is the result of balancing 4 colored ‘activity paths’: Increase Performance, Create Awareness, Enable Transformation, Solve Issues. It means there is no wrong place to start, you choose the color that fits your current business challenge best. DO IT: Do the right things right to excel in the here and now When…
The Future of Work
The time between the first flight of the Wright brothers, December 17 in 1903 and the landing on the moon, July 20 in 1969, was already mind-boggling. But it is nothing compared to the speed of many of the changes in today’s world, accelerated by the covid-pandemic. They are so disruptive that they put a…
Post-corona resilience (dutch article)
Moedig voorwaarts: ViCre Outlook 2021-2022
Een van ViCre’s hoekstenen is chaos, en hoe chaos te gebruiken in business als motor voor verandering. Een goed half jaar geleden maakte het coronavirus ongevraagd zijn opwachting in het bedrijfsleven, om vervolgens de spelregels volledig te herschrijven. Ook bij ViCre. Hoe zet een onderneming wiens core business internationale dienstverlening is een globale pandemie naar…
Interview: The first one-piece-3D-printed house
A world first! Kamp C, the Westerlo-based provincial Centre for Sustainability and Innovation in construction, printed a house using the largest 3D concrete printer in Europe. An interview with Annelies Helsen about ViCre's role in this unique, innovative project. The house was printed as part of the European C3PO Project. How did ViCre get involved?…
Business Transformation
Transforming your business: Easily said, but how to?
The ongoing Covid-19 crisis has made it very clear that, to stay relevant in a changing world, companies constantly should reinvent themselves. But adapting to new circumstances and changing your business, what does that mean exactly in day-to-day business life? Do you have to forget all about the past and jump to new ways of…
Sales Excellence
A Quick Guide to Sales Excellence
Ask a salesperson why he was not able to sell, and he will reply with a long and detailed list of possible reasons (shrinking market, price is too high, not the right product, lack of marketing initiatives,…). Ask a salesperson why he was able to sell and it will sound like his unique talent was…
(For)ever green
You can only progress on ‘something’, not on air. At ViCre we call that something, a line. A line is a kind of project that you recognized in the chaos of your daily work. Within each company there are many lines: lines of customers, project lines, … Following up on those lines and even more,…