Sales Support
From a proposal factory to a customer happy to buy
It’s hard to close deals without any business proposal. But why draft a proposal if you know upfront you won’t close it anyway? Often-heard argumentation to invest nevertheless in unwilling customers is ‘Otherwise we won’t be asked for the next deal’, ‘Every customer is worth a proposal’, and what about ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’? These are just poor excuses since salespeople are not paid to make proposals, they are paid to close deals.
So why would you continue being a proposal factory? How to better organize and direct your proposal drafting process towards customers that are indeed happy to buy, so you can spend the rest of your time and energy on better purposes?
Your Delta
This ViCre workshop focusses on better fitting customer needs with supplier’s solutions. Throughout the sales process, preliminary chats with your customer need to be converted in irresistible customer proposals, which ideally, eventually, will evolve into signed contracts, thanks to the multidisciplinary skill set of your sales reps.
First of all, we’ll have a look at how to better understand the needs of your customer on a deeper level, and how to react to particular customer behaviors during prospection talks. Secondly, we’ll tackle the issue of positively confirming customer demands by mirroring them in your communication. Business proposals shouldn’t only be drafted as unique solutions to unique problems, they also should contain a reassuring scenario of what your future collaboration will look like and illustrate the beneficial impact on the customer’s life.
This approach will lead to fewer proposals that will be created in vain and more time to focus on what really matters: Customers who don’t feel the urge to bargain because they have confidence in the value you will create for them. Indirectly, thanks to the clear communication with your customer, also interdepartmental communication between your sales, delivery and service processes will run smoother, as they will be better informed and thus better aligned with your customer’s needs.
- Introduction in the art of writing business proposals
- ‘Business proposals that customers buy’-writing skills
- Sales hit rate increase, resulting in less energy waste
- A ‘living’ document template to record the sales process, to be used for both internal and external reporting and communication purposes.
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