Business Poetry


Successful business transformation?
Older, wiser, and more experienced.
Painless and unscathed.
Just naturally.

Big or small challenges.
The answer isn’t always that simple.

“How to create value?”
“How to build new business?”
“How to spark innovation?”

It’s possible through business transformation.
Let go of the well-known.
Seek the unexplored.
Don’t be frightened.
No agitation, doubt or fear.
No resistance.
Because change happens naturally.
Just like growing old.

Direction? You: The Conductor of a Masterpiece

A clear direction and vision make you a conductor.
You not only set the tempo.
With your magic, you turn hardcore business reality into
a wonderful piece of music, based on facts and figures.

Dreams about the direction and future of your company
are the building blocks of your vision.
A well-defined vision needs to be crystallized into daily operations.
A crystal-clear vision is exactly what I need
to give the best of myself.
To contribute value every day.
When the vision becomes a story, in which you and I are writing a chapter,
you become the owner of the masterpiece you’re directing.
And your dreams will come true.

Infrastructure? You: The Creator of Knowledge

Enable knowledge creation.
Bring small groups of people together
and stimulate target-oriented thinking.
One thought encourages the other, and knowledge grows.
A hard exercise that asks for patience and determination.
Result: serendipity, finding ‘coincidentally’ what you weren’t looking for.
Knowledge creation requires bravery and decisiveness.
Putting all the wood behind one arrow.
Bringing peace.
Selecting and uniting the right people.
You take the first step, that is your decision.
The success that comes: your merit.

Execution? You Stand Up

Provide tools and structures, a ‘new alphabet’.
Teach your enterprise in its entirety how to speak one and the same language.
Stand up, show the way and provide the how.
Make your company fill its tools and structures with know-how,
content, and provide the what.
The birth of business transformation: progress is a sure thing.

A symphony asks for PRACTICE,
Over and over again.
Business transformation is born.